The One and Triune God, Class 1

Compendium Chapters 1-3

Welcome back, Wyoming Catholic College sophomores!  This year, I’m going to do something a little different with our “Mystery of the Trinity” course:  each chapter from Aquinas’s Compendium of Theology will have an audio companion on this website, to help you dig deeper and prepare better for our seminar sessions.  And since all of the Compendium readings are available online, your folks at home can follow along if they would like.

For our first class, we’ll read Compendium chapters 1 through 3.  We’ll spend most of our time on chapter 3, an argument for God’s existence, but note down any questions you may have about chapters 1 or 2 and bring them to class.  The audio companion files include an introduction to St. Thomas Aquinas, to the Compendium, and to theology in general, so they add up to about 37 minutes of listening.  Make sure you budget enough time!

Here are the download links for the audio files:  for chapter 1, for chapter 2, and for chapter 3.  Right-click and choose “Save link as….”  Or you can listen straight from this website using the audio players below.


Audio companion to chapter 1:

Audio companion to chapter 2:

Audio companion to chapter 3:

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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